🃁️ Animated Gradient Border


Plain old borders are boring. Let's make them more interesting by adding a gradient border with a pleasing animation! There are many ways to create this kind of border, but the approach we'll take today is to use a pseudo-element to create a border that extends beyond the container, and then animate that pseudo-element. Note that the animation part of this challenge is not supported in Firefox yet, but the border will still render.

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    <div id="card">🔷</div>
    #preview-container {
      padding: 1rem; /* to give space for the border */
      Support an animatable --rotation property to
      use in the background image
    @property --rotation {
      syntax: "<angle>";
      initial-value: 0deg;
      inherits: false;
    @keyframes spin {
      100% {
    	--rotation: 360deg;

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